Posts in Photography
It's Habit-Forming

When I began my ongoing series It’s Habit-Forming, I wanted to continue the exploration of the South I began with Went Out for Cigarettes, but to call into question more of the conflicted affinity I have about where I am from. There is no separating me from the South, and I wanted to wage war with the geography so central to my existence and identity. It is with this war that I began looking for the shared similarities I feel throughout the region and the dichotomy that results from this relationship.

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Went Out for Cigarettes

The series’ title may be the old cliché of someone walking out the door one day on a random notion and never returning, but it also poses the question of what one might find on such a journey. I went in search of the South I know — not only as a region but also as a concept. Went out for Cigarettes encompasses four states, but regardless of the geography, these images share a familiar physical and psychological landscape.

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